A product launch using AI to Spot Trendsetters. 50mm impressions + over 44 top-tier press publications.
New Balance / Roldós Media
Launch Campaign
AI Machine Learning
WHY New Balance was looking for a fearless action for its international campaign #BeTheException, which leveraged AI tech in an unprecedented scale in fashion.
WHAT We created custom Artificial Intelligence software that spotted fashion-forward individuals who challenged industry conventions, and a full digital strategy and campaign to leverage it. In line with the maverick spirit of the new Fresh Foam Cruz Nubuck, the event celebrated and rewarded fearlessly independent fashionistas and encouraged women everywhere to be their own muse.
A complete takeover of Madrid’s central Callao Square. Throughout the event, custom-built AI software scans passers-by and picks out individuals who are sporting exceptional looks. They are transformed into fashion stars as paparazzi rush to photograph them and they are displayed live on the huge LED screens surrounding the square.
We developed AI software based on machine learning to gather data on how people dress in Madrid. The software analyzed over 50-hours of street camera footage to determine what percentage of the public wear certain patterns, colours, or types of garments. Finally, these statistics were used at the event to hunt exceptions to the rule and provide real-time data, overlaid on Boomerang footage, explaining why these individuals have been chosen.
To increase participation, we designed three interactive booths as a call to action that works hand-in-hand with the campaign’s social media strategy. Anyone could take selfies with these and post them online with the #BeTheException hashtag to enter the AI-driven online competition.